Texas Takes Action

A Texas-Sized Effort

The Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) is committed to addressing the opioid crisis and protecting the health and safety of all Texans. Texas Targeted Opioid Response (TTOR) is a public health initiative operated by HHSC through federal funding from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.

TTOR has a mission to save lives and provide lifelong support to Texans with opioid and stimulant use disorders by expanding access to prevention, integrated, treatment and recovery support services. 

Additional information about TTOR and its impact is available by accessing the TTOR interactive dashboard and viewing the TTOR brochure and TTOR Report Card.

Hero image

Current TTOR Programs


Opioid Surveillance Dashboards

The Texas Health data website aims to increase the visibility of TTOR and opioid-related data in Texas.

Texans Connecting Overdose Prevention Efforts

A reporting platform to facilitate community reporting of overdoses and overdose reversals.

Safe Drug Disposal and Community Awareness Program

Helps Texans safely dispose of unused or expired medication by providing safe drug disposal materials.

PAX Good Behavior Game

Equips adults with strategies to help build children’s self-regulation skills, with the ultimate goals of improving classroom behavior, supporting academics and reducing opioid misuse.

Opioid Misuse Public Awareness Campaign

Increases awareness of opioid misuse and related risks, risk reduction strategies, and opioid use disorder treatment resources.

Overdose Prevention Education and Naloxone

Provides overdose prevention education and access to overdose reversal medication with the goal of reducing overdose deaths.

Educate Before You Medicate

Provides education to pharmacists to improve their ability to counsel patients on the safe use, storage and disposal of medications.

Utilization of the Prescription Monitoring Program

A campaign aimed at increasing prescriber and pharmacist use of the Texas Prescription Monitoring Program.

Texas Opioid Training Initiative

Expands online education and in-person training for health professionals to prevent opioid and stimulant-related harm.

Support Hospital Opioid Use Disorder Treatment Texas

Expands inpatient initiation of buprenorphine, adds peer recovery support services and provides stigma-reduction training to clinical staff in hospitals and other acute care units.

Priority Admission Counselors

Provide screening services to individuals with opioid use disorder, engage them in a process of informed consent, ensure timely access to treatment, and provide overdose prevention education.

Integrated Community Opioid Network

Establishes local community partnerships to identify individuals with opioid use disorder (OUD) and connect them to medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD), recovery support services (RSS) and other services.

Heroes Helpline

Offers a 24/7 treatment referral line to first responders at risk for OUD and provides in-person and online training to raise awareness of substance use, stress and other behavioral health risks.

Overdose Prevention Drop-in Centers

Provides individuals at high risk for overdose with access to prevention education, overdose reversal medication, and access to MOUD and RSS.

Criminal Justice Opioid Response and Re-entry Support

Improves MOUD and recovery services for individuals preparing for release from Community Corrections Facilities, ensuring a seamless journey to recovery.

Treatment in Office

Increases access to medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD) outside of the traditional clinic by increasing the number of physicians providing both buprenorphine and extended-release naltrexone, expanding opportunities for physicians to obtain DATA 2000 Waiver training, creating a professional peer mentoring network, and expanding the network of state-funded treatment providers.

Project ECHO (Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes)

A web-conferencing platform featuring a network of healthcare providers who share substance use disorder treatment best practices.

Treatment in Clinic

Increases access to all three U.S. Food and Drug Administration-approved medications for the opioid use disorder treatment (methadone, buprenorphine and extended-release naltrexone), enabling existing clinics to treat primary opioid use disorder (OUD) along with co-morbid conditions such as hepatitis C, psychiatric conditions and wound care at a single site.


An app that supports individuals with stimulant use disorder and OUD and extends the reach of recovery to persons in treatment. Clients receive assistance with performing self-care routines including taking prescriptions, exercise and hygiene, as well as check-ins for medical treatment, counseling and peer support activities.

Peer Support

A network of peer-based recovery support services organizations that provide peer support for people with opioid and stimulant use disorders. The network also assists people who are incarcerated or living in other rehabilitative settings transition to community-based care.

Medication-Assisted Recovery Services (MARS)

Provides training to develop peer recovery communities among patients engaged with Opioid Treatment Programs in Texas.

Recovery Workforce

A partnership with The University of Texas at Austin Addiction Research Institute to provide training and technical assistance for TTOR peer-based recovery support services organizations.

Housing for Opioid Medically Assisted Recovery Expanded Services (Project HOMES) and Evaluation

Provides National Alliance for Recovery Residences certified housing and recovery support services​ for people using medications for medically assisted recovery and people with a history of stimulant use disorder.

Academic Detailing on Risk Mitigation Strategies

Designs and delivers an academic detailing intervention to educate prescribers on risk mitigation strategies recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Clinical Practice Guide for Prescribing Opioids for Pain.